Discover topics running through large collections of unstructured texts in a completely automated, data-driven manner.
Quantify the positive and negative emotions expressed in texts. Observe the temporal dynamics of the emotions.
Clean noisy texts through stopword removal, n-gram analysis, parts-of-speech tagging, stemming, and lemmatization.
Visualize topics and sentiments in intuitive ways. Observe the emergence of new topics and apply drill down and filter options.
Manage your analysis via APIs and embed the results in the frontend tool of your choice with our selection of widgets.
Accelerate your literature review and
automatically analyze the content of papers
Live Demo: Information Systems Conferences
Track the development of topics in the news
Live Demo: Guardian World News (3 Months)
Analyze offical reports published by large organizations, e.g., financial reports, corporate responsibility reports, or corporate governance reports
Listen to conversations on online social networks,
forums, blogs and other social media channels
Mine the content and sentiment of
product descriptions and customer reviews
Live Demo: Amazon Product Reviews
Analyze any text stored in
Excel, JSON or TXT files
In case of any questions, please contact us.
© 2020